Saturday, December 4, 2010

Texas Roads & Motorcycles

Whether you're a motorcycle enthusiast, a rider, or both, there are some safety tips that you must remember when using Texas highways. Safety on Texas highways is a responsibility that should be shared by everyone, including motorcyclists. Following the tips below will help riders stay safe.

1. ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET! Wear the proper clothing. Goggles or a visor built into your helmet can help protect your eyes. Wear light colors to make you more visible. Wear reflective clothing when riding at night.

2. Approximately one-half of all motorcycle crashes involve another motor vehicle. Nearly 40 percent were caused by the other vehicle turning left in front of the motorcyclist.

3. Get professional training. Statistics show that 92% of the motorcyclists involved in collisions were self-taught or taught by friends.

4. Do not drive a motorcycle while you are impaired, whether it is by alcohol, drugs, or just lack of sleep.

5. Do not share a lane of traffic with another vehicle, and keep a safe distance between the vehicles ahead of you and behind you.

6. Ride where you can be seen.

7. Make sure that other drivers know what you are up to. Always signal, using either the signals on the motorcycle or the proper hand signals.

OMD, Personal Injury Attorneys in Austin, have dedicated their attorney law practices to helping people who have suffered injuries at the hands of others, in the state of Texas, recover damages. Our primary goal is to make you whole again following your motorcycle accident. For more information, please visit the Austin Motorcycle Accident Attorneys of OMD.

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